ACL Surgery wound healing progression

On July 21, 2014, I underwent an ACL plastic surgery in CLPA Mediterra in Prague, Czech Republic. The operation took place without complications, and after three days I was released from the hospital.

It has been normal that always after this kind of intervention I have experienced swelling in the area where the intervention took place. Thanks to coMra-Therapy the swelling this time was eliminated in enormously short time. 

Also mainly due to the application of coMra-Therapy I was able to attend a two-day crossing of the Czech Central Mountains just one month after surgery and without major complications. Then less than two months after surgery (in the first half of September 2014), I reached my best performance in deep freediving (with a limited movement of the knee using free immersion technique).

 Including coMra-Therapy in the intensive rehabilitation after ACL surgery significantly contributed to faster recovery, significantly faster regression of edema and also to the overall better regeneration results throughout the entire rehabilitation.

According to the therapists involved in my rehabilitation, the ongoing state of my knee has been showing continuously significantly better results than the average of comparable patients, which can be attributed along with my physio program to the application of coMra-Therapy in the rehabilitation process.

*Tomáš Nádr is mountain biker, road cyclist, skier and snowboarder.

30 July 2014
2 August 2014
14 August 2014
23 August 2014
coMra User
Tomáš Nádr