Covid-19 Numerology

Milen Ivanov • 1 April 2020
1 comment

A friend asked me if I had calculated the Numerology of Covid-19. I was surprised why this have never entered my mind, because I am studying Numerology as revealed by Théun Mares.

Then I figured out that probably the reason has been that to me it all seemed clear in the context of this guidance, which applies to this year:

"If, on the other hand, you should choose to RESIST the forces that will be prevalent during the course of this year you can expect to be KNELT SHARPLY, no matter HOW MUCH you may kick and scream, piss and moan! If we do NOT WANT to UNDER-STAND fate, let alone destiny, then we MUST be made to learn the HARD WAY! And learning the hard way in a double 2 year invariably means being FORCED into the roll of the DOORMAT!"

So, it seemed to me we have been collectively knelt!

But then, what are the lessons we must learn?!

I opened Book of Numerology to check Covid-19. The calculation is:

  6 + 9  
3 + 4 + 4

So, numerologically Covid is:

8 = 15 + 11

Most interesting equation!

I chose to "equationise" Covid-19 as:

8 - 19 = 7

This means we are faced with the debt collector 19 and in order to survive we have to bring about harmony out of many conflicts (8) - not only outer, but also inner.

8 is also the number of intelligent co-operation and it is obvious that in order to survive we must co-operate with our communities. And it is already happening, as this article shows.

But there are also conflicts at home - staying together all the time and unnerved from in-house-ment, it is natural to be more nervous. And it is vital to address those conflicts and achieve harmony. Good relationships are the best immunity and the best shield.

And there are also inner conflicts, like for example - there is now no need to get up in the morning and go to work. Which of the things I am accustomed to doing really matters?!

Success in facing the debt collector (19) intelligently (8) will result in guidance: 7. That is, we will feel deep inside where we are supposed to be going. There will also come guidance from outside. I think this is already happening too, but it is early days. The type of 8 we need to bring up is most special. In a nutshell we need strength (11) in order to find light withing the darkness (15) of the current challenge. We better get this right, for the negative potential is not pretty - darkness and stuckness (15) leading to doormat life (-11).

Obviously, in all this I have chosen rather positive way of looking at the equation and this is in tune with 8: trying to balance out the expectancy of doom which is in the air.

The last point that comes up for me strongly is that 8 is related to 2 - the dominant note for this year. And another guidance about 2 says that 2 strongly supports everything that is good. I can confirm this from my own experience so far. Whenever I do something truly valuable, the support is enormous! Which gives hope.

* Image by Manuel de la Fuente from Pixabay