Factors that influence career longevity of athletes and how to manage it with coMra.

Michail Tsvetanov • 30 December 2020

There are many factors that determine how long an athlete will stay at the top of their game and be able to deliver great performances. Genetics, the environment their body and organism were formed in, the method of training and regeneration, diet and several others play a role. In this article, I’ve focussed only on the factors that can be reliably influenced by coMra-Therapy. Let’s take a look… 


Fatigue and depletion of energy reserves

When it comes to overtraining, every athlete who works hard on themselves and tries to constantly improve is balancing on a very thin edge. We will not rest until we see that we’re better, faster, stronger and have more endurance. And once we achieve those, we want to go even further. It frequently happens that we don’t give our bodies enough time or space to breathe and draw new life force. Stress and fatigue accumulate, and the body’s regeneration processes slow down. This poorly chosen path only leads to further injury or to illness caused by seasonal viruses because our bodies have reduced immunity.

CoMra therapy accelerates regeneration, recharges the body’s energy reserves and thus reduces the risk of overtraining. To put it simply, thanks to the regular use of coMra in their routine, athletes recover faster and can train more often. In addition, coMra also supports the normal function of the immune system and helps the body to defend against pathogens. 


Ageing and a slowdown of the regeneration process

“It’s not what it used to be …” We’ve all heard this, and we may have even said it. I myself am convinced that a slowdown of the body’s regeneration due to ageing isn’t caused by physiological changes alone. Lifestyle is also to blame. When we were young, we could focus mainly on ourselves and our own interests, but age brings other responsibilities. People begin to invest a great deal of energy into areas of life that previously didn’t bother them. As the years go by, the body’s ability to regenerate gradually decreases; it is a natural process taking place at a cellular level. A combination of these factors leads to an increase in the amount of time required for the body to recover after exercise. A few hours or a day isn’t enough to regenerate any more. Suddenly we need two, three and often more days at a time to be able to deliver top performance again. 


The fuel of all processes in the body, including regenerative processes, is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is produced and stored in our cells (specifically in mitochondria). The higher the levels of ATP in our cells, the better our bodies are able to function and defend themselves. CoMra and the four components it consists of effectively stimulate the creation of ATP in mitochondria. As a result, cells are able to restore their function much faster, and as a result all of the body’s regenerative or defensive systems and mechanisms function optimally. 


Chronic injuries

Sports with a focus on top performance may not always be healthy for the body. Even recreational athletes know that injuries appear here and there that simply persist, do not subside and have a tendency to return. This is a reason many people end their sports careers for good, or in better cases they change disciplines but give up their dreams of peak performance. 


CoMra has a very successful case history in the treatment of long-term and persistent chronic injuries. Its primary added value in this regard is in the support and regeneration of the body through a holistic approach. In practice, this means that in addition to the direct treatment of the wound site, regeneration can be accelerated by supporting the optimal function of the body’s control systems involved in the regeneration process. CoMra can be applied to stimulate the lymphatic or nervous system in combination with the treatment of selected organs, such as the heart or adrenal glands. This stimulates and intensifies the process of tissue regeneration and initiates the treatment of persistent injuries and problems. 


Regenerating nerve fibres after injury

A frequent reason why professional athletes end their careers early is the accumulation of untreated injuries. This is due, for example, to a sped-up return to activity after an injury. Unfortunately, it usually happens because an athlete feels good and, at first glance, has no external signs of injury after rehabilitation (such as pain and other discomfort during exercise). But many delicate processes in the body have not yet been completely restored. These are mainly processes that are taken care of by delicate tissues such as nerve fibres. With tissue injuries, such as a ruptured ligament, nerve signalling disorders – the process of transmitting information from the brain to the body and back – can also occur. Interrupting the flow of information between the locomotor system and the brain can lead to cognitive dysfunction. Put simply, this negatively affects the speed and flexibility of response in our musculoskeletal system. Unlike muscle fibres, tendons or bones, nerve fibres regenerate much more slowly and the time it takes to fully recover is much longer. 


Impairment of cognitive functions as a result of injuries to the musculoskeletal system do not usually pose a great danger for people in everyday life. But for professional athletes in a competitive environment, where everything often takes place within hundredths of a second, the situation is different. All it takes is one slower reaction, and the original injury is renewed or a completely new one occurs. It is therefore not out of the ordinary for athletes go from one injury to the next and are practically never able to fully recover.


CoMra supports the natural healing process in every cell of the body and also contributes to the accelerated recovery of damaged nerve fibres. Thanks to coMra, not only can an athlete speed up their return to activity after an injury, but at the same time they can ensure a high-quality recovery, all while lowering the risk of an incomplete healing of nerve fibres and restored cognitive function of the musculoskeletal system. 



Pain is an everyday part of athletes’ lives. Top-level performances in top-level sport simply hurt. Many athletes turn to painkillers to deal with the pain. It’s quite common for athletes to take analgesics before a match, race or competition just to prevent any pain that might put them out of the action. As a result of long-term abuse of analgesics, internal organs are damaged (liver, kidneys, heart) and athletes are shut out of active competition.  


CoMra can be used both for the control of acute pain (rapid analgesic effect) and for the treatment of chronic pain. The application of coMra in cases of acute pain leads from partial to complete relief, and repeated application of coMra can keep pain under control. At the same time, some of the comprehensive coMra treatment protocols can be begun (according to the type and origin of the pain) to support and stimulate natural healing processes and to treat injuries and infections. CoMra is non-invasive and gentle on the body, and can therefore be an alternative to the various pain pills. 


Mental balance

For athletes, psychology plays a huge part. It can turn around the best-played match, or help the greatest outsider win a race. This is why nearly every top athlete nowadays has their own personal psychologist or life coach. The goal is to get to the optimal mental state to deliver maximum performance, manage pre-start stress and jitters, as well as to maintain mental balance during the long months of preparation. Even if you can’t afford to hire a personal sports psychologist, there’s still hope …


CoMra helps to induce a state of calm and mental composure, thus overcoming feelings of anxiety and pre-start jitters. There’s nothing miraculous about it. Stress is the body’s reaction to a person’s emotional state, in which the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline flood into the body. Our bodies react to situations that the brain perceives of as dangerous. Thanks to cortisol and adrenaline, the body awakens our hidden energy reserves and prepares to deal with situations that require either fight or flight. This state is influenced by various emotional perceptions. CoMra is beneficial in these situations because it is able to harmonise hormone levels in the body and thus contribute to the induction of a state of inner calm and mental balance. 


(Cover photo - credit to Binyamin Mellish on Pexels)