coMra in Liver diseases

Milen Ivanov • 17 May 2019

As of late hepatitis is very widespread disease. A quick internet search will reveal that the number of affected people is epidemically increasing, see for example this report. At the latter specialised site there is plenty of good quality information.

There are deeper reasons for this outbreak which can hardly be explained in terms of bad hygiene only. Whatever the reasons might be, however, they are not of concern here.

I'd rather focus on the practical question what may a person do when (s)he finds (s)he is affected. I will also focus on coMra Therapy: an aid that is not widely known as of yet and it is not covered in above site. I will also use my own example.

In this I will try to illustrate some general principles in working with coMra Therapy.

How coMra Therapy for liver looks like can be seen in the User Guide, or here.

We can see that the treatment consists of:

  • Stimulating the physical heart. This motivates healing and is most common in coMra treatments.
  • Stimulating the liver: for obvious reasons.
  • Stimulating the roots of liver innervating nerves. This is also obvious: the liver must go moving!
  • Stimulating the Solar Plexus. As the most important center around, the need for its stimulation is more or less clear.
  • Stimulating the Sternocleidomastoid. Look at the picture if you do not know what this means. At feeling I know it helps a lot, but I can not explain why, so we can just label it "esoteric" and leave it at that.

The healing should ideally be accompanied by a diet, that is by far the most difficult part. Having not to eat bacon and not to drink alcohol, for example, is huge shore, but that is the case whatever healing method is used: pills, herbs, etc. 

Now, at preventive examination in 2009 it was found that my liver enzymes are at very high level and in 2010 the levels were cosmic.I did nothing at all, because I believed that the pills they wanted to prescribe me are worse than the disease - whatever that was; and with some diet and sport I can work it out myslef.

By the end of 2010 I decided to test my Delta laser. I postponed this for some time, because I hate blood tests, yet they are the only way of convincing the many skeptics around me.

By now you may want to ask me what was the diagnosis. Well, MDs did not find out and I did not give an excrement (to put it medically). To me this is mostly of scientific interest. With coMra Therapy once it is clear that the liver is not doing well, this is enough for starting the treatments.

When I finally got myself to blood tests I started the healing program as prescribed: two weeks treatments and two weeks rest. Although there is no risk of overdosing, the rest periods are important, because they make allowance for the body to take the initiative.

I was making blood test each two weeks. This costs me, but then Pretiosa Scientia est (science is expensive). Hear are the results.

  19.11.2010 07.12.2010 20.12.2010 03.01.2011
GOT; ASAT 188,26 164,99 99,34 97,1
GPT; ALAT 248,53 233,27 177,35 159,2
GT (GGT) 132,38 112,65 99 105,6


We see that the drop during the break from 07.12 to 20.12 is larger than during the first two weeks of treatments. This shows that the breaks are hardly a waste of time.

The two weeks during the holidays, on the other hand, are stagnant. Such plateau periods - and even temporary worsening - are something to be expected and not to worry about. This is especially valid for chronic conditions.

In this case we also see the importance of the diet, for - obviously - during the holidays that was not very strict.

Otherwise I personally felt much better almost immediately. This was to my surprise, because I was convinced I was OK anyway, but I have been wrong.


(This was written in Bulgarian for a health site in 2011. Now my liver parameters are within normal range and this has been for some time.)