coMra Videos

Arzhan Surazakov • 6 September 2019

Overview of some of the science underlying coMra-Therapy, and explanation how this specific combination of radiances: low-level laser light, magnetism, low-level ultrasound and LED lights, results in powerful healing effects.

Milen Ivanov • 5 September 2019

"After 3 months I started feeling much better and so I decreased the pragmaten doses. And it took me about a year to completely quit the tablets." Maria C. Isaza

Milen Ivanov • 5 September 2019

Female with chronic migraines for 20 years. 1,2 attack per week, 2,3 days each. Triptan addiction.

Milen Ivanov • 5 September 2019

Female with psoriasis for 15+ years. 2 years ago progressed to psoriadic rheumatoid arthritis. Persistent pain level 9 on the scale from 0 to 10.
