Panagiota Kontoléon • 2 June 2019

The cutoff point between middle and old age is not quite clear however a person who is over 60 years old is considered elderly.  This population is growing rapidly both in number and proportion, and people over the age of 60 are expected to double over the next few decades with the European Union ranking first in the world's oldest population by 2050[1]. 

The increasing number of elderly people with chronic illnesses increases the requirements on the public health care system.  Sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and muscle function), weakness, balance disorders, falls and injuries, vertigo, urinary incontinence, and chronic diseases are just some of the medical conditions of the elderly that reduce the quality of their lives and contribute to physical and mental deterioration, disability and death.

However, aging itself should not be considered negative

Governments, communities and the elderly families can intervene in order to promote health, participation, social inclusion and the security of the elderly which will improve their quality of life. In the international literature, there is an abundance of studies for non-invasive applications in pain management addressing the growing therapeutic needs of the elderly for whom our society seems to be lagging behind in terms of both prevention and provision of services.  These studies suggest that the best approach to pain management - and especially chronic - is a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach that includes a combination of behavioral and non-pharmacological approaches, such as: exercise, nutrition, sexual dysfunction rehabilitation, the use of new technologies and therapeutic devices, and cognitive psychotherapies. [2]

coMra therapy combines four established radiances for the treatment of pain and inflammation which are suitable for all ages, but specifically for the elderly it can help as follows:

  1. Low level infrared laser: Low level laser therapy (LLLT) has been proven useful and effective in relieving pain in a wide range of diseases such as neck pain, back pain, tendinitis, myopathy, rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, etc.[2]  In a study conducted in 35 elderly patients aged 65 years with sore frozen shoulder (stiffness), LLLT resulted in 90% positive clinical outcome in both the short and medium term.[3]
  2. Magnetic field - Aging increases free radicals and oxidative stress, resulting in a chronic inflammatory condition that accelerates aging and leads to diseases associated with it.  Magnetic field therapy enhances the purification of free radicals and the antioxidant system and is therefore valuable for treating degenerative processes that cause cardiac and circulatory diseases, arthritis and autoimmune diseases as well as neurodegenerative and allergic diseases. [4]
  3. Phototherapy - It is an ideal treatment option for the elderly population for many diseases, mainly dermatological, such as psoriasis, eczema and chronic puritus (itching), but also for depression.  Local use of corticosteroids should anyway be limited in the elderly population as there is a greater risk of skin atrophy in patients already having age-related thinning of the skin.  Phototherapy is beneficial and medically systemically safer since it has no side effects.  This is particularly useful for the elderly who may be more sensitive or at risk of systemic medication side effects, such as organ toxicity. [5] [6]
  4. Ultrasound (in coMra δelta) - It is a therapeutic method that affects the tissue by activating various biological functions that promote healing of tissues and improve the quality of their healing.  The medical uses of therapeutic ultrasound began in the 1930s and are now used in many diseases, including, osteoarthritis, osteoid ossificance, rheumatic diseases, joint or tendon inflammation, soft tissue injuries, sprains or sτrains, entrapment neuropathies, muscle spasms, etc.[7]

coMra therapy is a completely safe, non-toxic and non-invasive therapeutic approach. It is easy to use and as already mentioned suitable for all ages, however this blog is dedicated to the elderly with lots of love and care. :)

Photo: Edu Carvalho


[1] – United Nations. (2015). World Report on Ageing and Health, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.

[2] – Masiero, S. (2018). Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients. Springer International Publishing, Cham:Switzerland

[3] – Ip, D. & Fu, N. (2015). Two-year follow-up of low-level laser therapy for elderly with painful adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Journal of Pain Research, 25(8), 247-52

[4] – Durán, G. I. (2002). The Biomagnetic Pair.

[5] – Κοο, J., & Nakamura, M. (2017) Phototherapy for the Elderly Population. In: Clinical Cases in Phototherapy - Clinical Cases in Dermatology, 145-147. Springer, Cham

[6] – Fiorini, E,. Von Gunten, A., & Küng, A. (1997). Phototherapy in the elderly: A short review for the medical practitioner. Medecine et Hygiene, 55, 1982-1986.

[7] – Miller, D., & American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Bioeffects Committee. (2012). Overview of Therapeutic Ultrasound Applications and Safety Considerations. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine : Official Journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 31(4), 623–634.