Avoid These If Your Progesterone Is Low

Nevena Vladimirova • 1 May 2019

What foods and herbs to avoid if the levels of your progesterone are low? How stress is affecting your hormonal balance and why you need to find a way to relax? Which are the signs and symptoms of low progesterone?

Many women suffer from low levels of progesterone and the signs could vary but if you experience premenstrual syndrome, headaches, weight gain, sleeping disorders, anxiety, infertility, no periods or irregular periods, mood swings, then your progesterone production might not be sufficient. There are some factors that could affect the production of progesterone and we want to pay more attention of the ones which will block it and decrease its levels like stress, phytoestrogens, herb blockers and sugar.


The first and most important factor is stress. The progesterone is regulating the ovulation and the preparation of the uterus for the pregnancy. If the levels of this hormone are very low, then the ovulation does not happen and the woman has problems conceiving. When you experience stress, your body produces cortisol in order to help you get out of the dangerous situation. It will cut the productions of the progesterone until the danger passes, the high levels of cortisol are sending the message that it is not safe for your to have children and the ovulation does not occur. This would lead to irregular or absent periods, various inflammations, miscarriages and painful PMS. So, you need to find a way to relax and to avoid emotional stress.


Some foods contain phytoestrogen and they might increase the levels of estrogen in your body which will affect negatively the progesterone levels because one of the reasons for low progesterone is estrogen dominance The food that contains a great amount of phytoestrogens is soy, so if your progesterone is low, you need to avoid soy products or consume extremely limited quantities of fermented soy only. Chickpeas, beans, peas, lentils and flax seeds also contain a little bit of phytoestrogens, so you could eat them but not every day. Yucca is a very popular root in some countries but it will make your progesterone even lower, so you need to avoid it too. You need to make an elimination test for gluten and if your body reacts with headaches, bloating and tiredness to it, then the best solution is to exclude it from your diet.


Some herbs are progesterone inhibitors and they might interfere with the progesterone receptors in your body, so you have to minimize their intake in the form of herb infusions and supplements. Turmeric is one of the superfoods which is very healthy and have great good qualities, but if your progesterone levels are low, you need to avoid it. Curcumin is the active component in it and if you consume it very often, it can lead to irregular periods and lacking ovulation. Thyme, licorice, oregano, bloodroot are called sometime progesterone blockers, so the best thing is to cut them from your diet if you want the quantities of that hormone in your body to increase.


The sugar intake has many risks for your health and one of them is that it feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines and the whole body like Candida (yeast infection), another one is the increased insulin production which is also a hormone. The sugar cravings means that your body needs magnesium, but the sugar intake actually depletes the magnesium from your body. So, if you crave for chocolate during your PMS, it is better to choose a dark one or eat raw nuts like almonds and walnuts as they contains magnesium and good fats.

Apply coMra Therapy

If you want to support your body into healing from the hormonal imbalance, you can apply coMra therapy too combined with the diet and lifestyle changes. The Universal Treatment 5 is recommended for everyone who wants to deal with the emotional stress as it will help your nervous system to calm down and relax. The coMra treatments in the Gynaecology section of the coMra user guide could be applied in case of menstrual cycle disturbances, some forms of sterility, pelvic pain etc. This is a very gentle and non-invasive way to awake the inner healing abilities in your body, supporting it into restoring its natural balance.