How coMra could help athletes prolong their active career.

Michail Tsvetanov • 13 February 2020

A friend recently inquired about experiences in using coMra to stay in shape for his football games, which led me to summarising my own discoveries in working with coMra to stay active and achieve better results on the pitch. I decided to turn my summary into a little article so that other coMra users interested in the topic could get some tips and inspiration for themselves too.

In working with athletes, I recognised a couple of main areas where coMra could be very beneficial. First, I am interested in better performance, which in general I have come to recognised as delaying fatigue of the body systems and muscles. In this area I have been experimenting with the following effects of coMra: 

Compensating for oxygen deficiency

Allowing the body to process better or more oxygen and compensate for oxygen deficiency. This would mean applying Uni 3 (Blood) few hours before performance, then again shortly before the performance itself and if for example the performance would last for long hours (e.g. football tournament with multiple games during the day), I would apply Uni 3 between games as well.


Uni 3 (Blood) treatment














Delaying fatigue

Delaying muscle fatigue due to lactic acid cumulation. I had studied Russian literature at the time pointing to the fact that a LLLT (low level laser therapy) treatment to the muscles before performance has a profound effect on decreasing/delaying the amount of lactic acid produced. So what I would do is to treat my quads before a game on 5-6 different spots, on say 5 and then 50hz per spot and minute. Or also between games as needed.

Boosting Stamina

Giving the body a boost during a long exhausting performance. For example during a day long tournament, beyond the two treatments above, I would also treat my adrenaline glands on 5 and 50hz/5min. This would help me first keep my stamina on a good level, but I would also regenerate much faster after a game. 


Adrenal glands












In general I also believe that this same treatments prevent/decease muscle and skeletal damage and in the longterm, coMra is capable of prolonging the active career of an athlete. I am actually pretty convinced about it. 

Mental focus and strength

Beyond the effect on the physical body, I have been also recognising the ability of coMra to help the athlete with his mental focus and strength. First the mere fact that during self-treatments with coMra, one focuses on his/her body and connects with it, helps concentrate and prepare for the performance. Second, one could use Uni 5 for achieving mental balance and well-being before performance, calm down, improve one's mood and so at the end perform on his/her top. 


Uni 5 treatment













Recovery from injury

Coming back to the physical effect again, a huge area where coMra could play a major role is regeneration from injury. Now, first of all I have a number of experiences when I have came back from injury in a way shorter time than I would do without coMra. There had been times when I would be completely amazed of the effects. But with time I came to recognise that it is not speed where the real benefit of coMra comes, but QUALITY! By focusing on speed, I came to recognise that one walks on a thin ice and since coMra could very effectively tame pain and inflammation, one could easily get into the false impression that the injury is completely healed, but coming too quickly back on the pitch could cause the injury to come back fast and then it takes longer to heal. But if one gives enough time to the body to heal with coMra, I have recognised that the healing is of a very good quality and there are no long term effects of the injury (i.e. prolonged active career). 

In general I am a huge believer in the positive effects of coMra on the life and success of the athlete and it all has been working nicely for me during the years! 


(Big thanks for the creators of the coMra user manual for the possibility to extract screenshots of the treatments and help demonstrate it to the reader). 

(Cover photo by Serghei Trofimov on Unsplash)